Monday, April 1, 2013

Light wave

In this Post, I will explain How to make a photon in flatland! It follows the same instructions as in the previous post, for constructing a matter wave. The difference is that now, there are two turns in each slinky.

A complete different structure shows up! the result is observed in Figure 1. Heuristically, these slinkies also have to be together. It is difficult to see anything when they are together, so I draw them separately. You have to arrange them the way they are shown in Figure 1. Both, the clockwise and the counterclockwise-turned slinky's arrows move clockwise. This is due to the two turns. A consequence of this structure is that the wavelength left on flatland does not depends on the object speed. It is inferred that this object speed is constant and it is the speed of light. It will depend on the intersection speed. Low intersection speed would be a redish photon, whereas, a high intersection speed would be a bluish photon.

Figure 1 The flat photon, the two slinkies are arranged as shown. Both slinkies move clockwise. This arrangement creates a wave that does not depends on the speed of the object.

These arrows are electric field vectors that get printed in the plane. The intersection will look like this:

Figure 2 electric field vectors imprinted in the plane. The wavelength will not depend on the speed of the object and use just one dimension of the two available.

On Fig 2 undistinguishable states occur at 90 and 270. Notice that the printed arrows close a circle when the particle arrives to 360 degrees. Thus, an observer in the plane may judge that one complete round has been made. This is a characteristic of a spin 1 particle.

What is Mass?

In the previous Post, it was shown that the matter wave use all the dimensions of the plane. Now, you can see that the light wave uses just one dimension of the two available in the plane. Since, the photon necesarily has no mass, it looks as requirement that: to have mass the particle intersection needs to use all the dimensions of the intersecting space.

Coming back to spaceland (3-D space), You can see that the deuteron has different toroidal shapes, all of them uses the three dimensions available. The same thing occurs with atoms as observed with scaning tunneling microscopes, You see spheres which uses all the three dimensions. Whereas, the electromagnetic wave uses just two dimensions from the three available. You just see a sinusoidal plane of electric field vectors with another sinusoidal plane of corresponding magnetic vectors at 90 degrees.

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